Connect and collaborate across your B2B network

Enable a frictionless network to simplify B2B connectivity, supply chain collaboration and decision making for your business ― on premises, hybrid-cloud or cloud-based

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B2B Integration

You manage an increasingly complex, multi-enterprise ecosystem overrun with disparate systems, processes, and tools. To stand apart in today’s hyper-connected, global economy, you need to radically simplify connectivity between people, systems, and data that matter to your business.

Discover how a smarter supply chain optimized for B2B and B2C value exchange helps you break down siloes, enable the flow of information across your business, quickly onboard new partners, and fuel collaboration between your lines of business, suppliers, carriers, and customers.

Key Capabilities

  • 24x7x365 connectivity with redundancy: establish always-on B2B information exchange
  • Security-rich and scalable with encrypted data protection: support the most demanding loads and transactions
  • Global network of over 400,000 connected trading partners: reduce the complexity of maintaining B2B connections
  • Flexible and fast in the cloud: protect current investments and integrate new technologies
  • Track, trace, and audit: quickly identify, prioritize and make recommendations for next best action
  • Partner connections made easier: connect to your B2B network with RESTful APIs

The Future of EDI

The world as we know it runs on and depends on EDI. But the world is changing and with it the future of EDI.
IBM believes that while EDI will remain highly useful and widely used for years to come, emerging technologies like blockchain, IoT, and AI will drive those investments, with EDI working alongside.

Read the Point of View »

Additional Resources

Dockers Infographic
IT Architect's Guide to File Gateway Consolidation
B2B Integrator Solution Brief
ITX Demo

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